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  • A.


    As soon as possible after an animal has been delivered to or picked up by the regulatory authority, a record of said animal will be made. The record should include a description of each animal, whether bearing a license tag or not, and the number of the tag and the name of the person registering the animal in each case where the animal bears a license tag. In case the animal bears a license tag, the animal control officer may, but is not obligated to, notify the person to whom such license tag was issued. The owner of said animal may be notified in person, by letter, postal card, telephone or written notice left at his last known residence. The owner shall be deemed notified upon mailing of said letter or postal card or leaving of said written notice whether the owner of the animal receives the notice or not.



    If a quarantined or impounded animal is found to be free from rabies or other infectious or contagious diseases, the animal control officer shall release it to the owner following the quarantine or impoundment period as specified in this chapter if:


    The owner pays the pound fee for each animal so redeemed in addition to the tax or fine, if any, and, in addition to the pound fee, the owner shall pay five dollars ($5.00) for each dog or cat and ten dollars ($10.00) for all other animals for each day or part of the day after the first day which such animals may be impounded. No wild or exotic animal shall be released except to persons who qualify and comply with the requirements of this chapter; and


    The owner redeems his animal within seventy-two (72) hours after capture and/or impoundment;


    The owner of a dog or cat has an unexpired rabies vaccination certificate and license for the animal; or


    The dog or cat is vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian at the owner's expense and a license for the animal is obtained; and


    The owner presents proper identification and proof of ownership; and


    All fees, costs or charges incurred have been paid by the owner of the animal.




    Owner fails to claim.

    The regulatory authority may sell and retain the proceeds, keep, or humanely destroy or destroy in such a manner as the regulatory authority may deem necessary, under the circumstances, any animal that the owner or custodian does not take possession of as provided in Section 5, Subsection B, on or before the third day following the final day of quarantine or on or before the third day of impoundment.


    Sick or injured animals.

    It is expressly provided that in the case of diseased, sick, injured or otherwise unhealthy animals impounded under these regulations, other than those affected or thought to be affected by rabies, it shall be unnecessary to await the expiration of the impoundment or redemption period before disposing of such animals.




    Disposal method.

    All animal carcasses shall be disposed of in such place and in such manner as may be designated or prescribed by the animal control officer.


    Person responsible.

    The owner or person having control or charge of an animal before or at the time of death shall be totally responsible for the disposal of the animal carcass and shall contact the regulatory authority for direction for the disposal of said carcass.


    Fees, costs or charges.

    All fees, costs or charges incurred in the disposal of the animal carcass shall be the responsibility of the animal owner or person having charge or control of said animal at the time of or prior to the animal's death.


    Disposal within forty-eight hours.

    The carcasses of all animals shall be properly disposed of in accordance with the provisions of this chapter as soon as possible, but under no circumstance later than forty-eight (48) hours after death.


    Owner not identified.

    If the owner of the dead animal cannot be identified, the property owner or the person having charge or control of the property containing the carcass shall be responsible for the carcass disposal and is subject to all provisions contained herein. If the owner of the animal is located or identified after carcass disposal has been effected said owner shall reimburse the property owner or person disposing of the carcass and is subject to all costs, conditions and penalties contained in this chapter.

(Ordinance No. 08-2016 of September 22, 2016, Sec. 2(Exh. A))