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  • A.


    A certain document, one (1) copy of which is on file in the office of the City Secretary of the City of Santa Fe, being marked and designated as the International Electrical Code-Administrative Provisions, 2012 Edition, as published by the International Code Council, be and is hereby adopted as the Electrical Code of the City of Santa Fe, in the State of Texas for regulating and governing the design, construction, quality of materials, erection, installation, alteration, repair, location, relocation, replacement, addition to, use or maintenance of electrical systems as herein provided; providing for issuance of permits and the collection of fees therefore; and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of said Electrical Code on file in the office of the City of Santa Fe are hereby referred to, adopted, and made a part hereof, as if fully set out in this chapter, with the additions, insertions, deletions and changes, if any, prescribed in Subsection B. of this section.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004; Ordinance No. 03-2009 of April 9, 2009, Sec. 5; Ordinance No. 03-2015 of March 26, 2015, Sec. 5)



    The following sections are hereby revised:

    Section 101.1 Insert: "City of Santa Fe".

    Section 404.2 Insert: "Fees shall be those adopted by Resolution by the City Council."

    Section 1102 Amend by deletion of subsection 1102.2, "Qualifications", subsection 1102.3 "Alternate Members", and by adding the following: "Appeals to the interpretations of this section shall be administered according to Section 1, GENERAL, (F) APPEALS, herein."

    Section 1201.1.1 Wherever a reference is made to NFPA 70, it shall mean NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, 2011 Edition."

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004; Ordinance No. 03-2009 of April 9, 2009, Sec. 5; Ordinance No. 03-2015 of March 26, 2015, Sec. 5)



    Where the provisions of other Sections of these Building Regulations shall conflict with the International Electrical Code—Administrative Provision, the more restrictive shall prevail.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004)



    Fees shall be as determined by resolution of the Santa Fe City Council.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004)



    Any person, firm, or corporation who fails to comply with, or violates, any part of this section shall be subject to the penalties pursuant to Section 1 GENERAL (G) PENALTY, herein, and in case of willful and continuous violation of this section by any person, firm, or corporation, the city electrical board, after hearing and notice shall have the power to revoke and repeal any license under which said person may be acting, and to revoke and repeal all permits, privileges, and franchises granted to said person, firm, or corporation.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004)



    Except as hereinafter provided, it shall be unlawful for any person to do electrical work within the City unless such person is a Master Electrician licensed under the State of Texas, or does such electrical work under the supervision, direction, and control of a Master Electrician licensed under the State of Texas. The term "electrical work" as used in this subsection is meant the installing, maintaining, altering, preparing or erecting of any electrical wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures, or equipment for which a permit is required under the terms and provisions of this section.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004; Ordinance No. 03-2009 of April 9, 2009, Sec. 6)



    An electrical contractor is any person, firm, or corporation who contracts for and engages in the business of installing, maintaining, altering, repairing, or erecting of any electrical wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures, or equipment for which a permit is required under the terms and provisions of this section. No person shall be licensed as an electrical contractor unless he holds a valid master electrician license or has in his employ a master electrician license to do electrical work.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004)



    The holder of the licenses provided for in Subsections . F. and G. above shall be known as Master Electricians.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004; Ordinance No. 03-2009 of April 9, 2009, Sec. 7)



    Electricians employed by contractors and working under the supervision of a licensed Master Electrician to install, repair, alter, and maintain electrical appliances, wiring, apparatus, devices, fixtures, or equipment for which a permit is required under the terms and conditions of this section shall be known as a journeyman electrician.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004)



    Electrician regularly employed on a permanent basis by any person, and who perform work only in the confines of the building or in or on the premises where they are regularly employed on a permanent basis, and who do "electrical work" as defined in Subsection L. shall be known as maintenance electricians.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004)



    "Electrical maintenance work" shall mean the keeping in safe repair of any and all electrical installations, apparatus and equipment, and the keeping in safe repair or moving and relocating of electrical equipment within a building or in or on the premises where the maintenance electrician, as defined in Subsection J., is regularly employed on a permanent basis, for which a work permit is required under the terms and provisions of this section, but does not include the installation of new and additional electrical work, electrical equipment, or electrical apparatus.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004)




    An annual permit shall be required of and upon application therefore, be issued to any person employing an electrician, performing electrical maintenance work, as that term is defined in Subsection J., for the keeping in safe repair of any and all electrical installation, apparatus, and equipment within the confines of the building or in or on the premises where he is employed. The application for this annual permit shall be made in writing to the City Electrical Inspector and shall contain a description of the premises on which work is to be done under the permit and information concerning the type of work to be done on such premises under such permit.


    If requirements of the annual permit as herein set forth are not met, or if work is not done in compliance with this section, the City Electrical Inspector shall suspend all rights conveyed by such permit until such time as all deficiencies have been corrected or the permit expires.


    Notice of such suspension shall be in writing to the person to whom the permit was issued.


    The fee for such annual permit shall be as established by Council resolution and shall expire on December 31 of the year in which such permit is issued; and the fee for the remainder of the year shall be prorated in like manner as provided for license fees in this section.


    A permit in accordance with the other provisions of this section, pertaining to permits, inspections and licenses, shall be required for all moving and relocating of electrical equipment authorized under the terms and conditions of this section by a maintenance electrician.


    Each such certificate issued to a maintenance electrician shall specify the name and address of the person to whom the certificate is issued, the location of the premises in or on which the maintenance work is to be done, and the date of the issuance thereof.


    Every holder of a maintenance electrician's license shall notify the Electrical Inspector immediately when such holder makes any change in his employment; giving in such notice the name of new employer and the location of the premises in or on which he is to be employed to perform maintenance electrical work.


    Every holder of such maintenance electrician's license shall have his certificate upon or about his person while performing the acts which such license entitles him to perform.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004)



    An electrical sign contractor is any person, firm, or corporation who contracts for and engages in the business of installing, maintaining, wiring, altering, repairing, and erecting electrical signs, including gas or vacuum signs, gas or vacuum decorations or gas or vacuum illuminating signs or systems.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004)




    There is hereby created an electrical board which shall consist of five (5) members, of which two (2) shall be ex-officio members and three (3) shall be master electricians and be appointed by the City Council. The ex-officio members shall be the city fire marshal and the City Manager or his/her designee, and shall be non-voting members. Any member of the board shall be subject to removal at the will and pleasure of the City Council. The members of the board shall not receive compensation for their services.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004; Ordinance No. 03-2009 of April 9, 2009, Secs. 8, 9)



    Members of the electrical board appointed as provided in Subsection A. above shall serve for a period of two (2) years from the date of their appointment, except ex-officio members, whose terms shall correspond to their respective official tenure.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004; Ordinance No. 03-2009 of April 9, 2009, Secs. 8, 9)



    Assist the electrical inspector with interpretations of the electrical code requirements; conduct hearings concerning violations of this section; recommend suspension, probation, or revocation of license for violations; and recommend amendments to the National Electrical Code.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004; Ordinance No. 03-2009 of April 9, 2009, Secs. 8, 9)



    Any person dissatisfied with a decision of the electrical board shall have the right to appeal to the City Council from any action of the electrical board within ten (10) days from the action appealed from, which appeal shall be perfected by addressing a letter to the said City Council stating that an appeal from the ruling of the electrical board is desired within ten (10) days after the action appealed from. Upon receipt of notice of such appeal, the City Council shall set time for hearing and shall notify the appellant and also the chairman of the electrical board of the date of such hearing. The electrical board, as well as the appellant, shall have the right to be heard at the appeals above provided for. Furthermore, the City Council shall have the right to affirm, modify, or reverse the action or decision complained of.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004; Ordinance No. 03-2009 of April 9, 2009, Secs. 8, 9)



    No such permit shall be issued to any person who is not the holder of an electrical license, except as provided under Home Owners' Rights, Subsection BB.

    The application for a permit shall describe the work to be done and shall be made in writing by a person holding a master electrician's license or a maintenance electrician's license. The permit when issued shall be issued to such applicant to cover work as described and detailed. Any changes or additions must be covered by additional permits at the time changes are made.

    No such plans, specifications, and schedules shall be submitted and no such plans, specifications, and schedules will be examined under the provisions of this section, unless the same are submitted by the holder of a master electrician's license or home owner. If it is found that the installation as described will be in general conformity to the requirements of this section, and if the applicant has complied with all provisions of the ordinances of the City, a permit for such installation will be issued; provided, however, that the issuance of a permit will not be taken as permission or as a license to violate any of the requirements of this section or any other ordinance of the City. Any license of any class may be suspended or revoked by the Santa Fe Board of Adjustments of the City of Santa Fe, should the holder violate any ordinance, law, or lawful regulation, relating to or governing electrical wiring, repairing, or construction. Any person whose license shall have been revoked shall not again be licensed within a period of one (1) year from the date of such action, but no license shall be suspended or revoked unless the license shall have been given an opportunity to appear and be heard, of which hearing he must have had at least ten (10) days' written notice specifying the charges against him.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004; Ordinance No. 03-2009 of April 9, 2009, Secs. 8, 9)



    No licensed electrical contractor shall transfer his license to any other person, for the purpose of obtaining a permit, or to do any work under his license; provided, however, a licensed electrical contractor may authorize an employee or associate to obtain a permit in his name and to do work but only under his direction.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004; Ordinance No. 03-2009 of April 9, 2009, Secs. 8, 9)



    No electrical contractor shall send any person on any job (requiring a license) in the capacity of an electrician unless such person is the holder of, and in possession of a master electrician or a journeyman electrician license.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004; Ordinance No. 03-2009 of April 9, 2009, Secs. 8, 9)



    Personal installation by an owner under these home owner rights shall be by himself, for himself, on his own homestead premises, without compensation, and no person shall be employed to assist him in any way on such work and shall be inspected as considered necessary by the electrical inspector.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004; Ordinance No. 03-2009 of April 9, 2009, Secs. 8, 9)




    It shall be the duty of the city inspector or any duly authorized assistant, to issue permits for and inspect all electrical wiring, apparatus, or equipment for the utilization of the service supply company in providing electrical energy for lights, heat, and power inside of or attached to the building or other structures within the limits of the City of Santa Fe, and to look after the enforcement of laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to the same and to exercise a general supervision over all electrical construction and over all electrical contractors and electricians licensed to carry on their business or trade under the provisions of this section.


    It shall be unlawful for any electrical supply company operating under a franchise granted by the City of Santa Fe or from any person, firm, or corporation furnishing electric current for light, heat, and power to connect his, theirs, or its distribution system with any installation of wiring apparatus or fixtures installed after this section becomes effective in or to any building or other structure within the limits of the City of Santa Fe, without first having received written permission from the city inspector to furnish current for such wiring, apparatus, or fixtures; such permission shall be given by the city inspector at any time after the certificate hereinafter provided for shall have been issued.


    The city inspector may also before such certificate is issued, give temporary permission to connect and furnish electric service to any wiring, apparatus, or fixtures that are in such condition that current may be safely connected therewith, and there exists an urgent necessity for such use when written application is filed with him requesting such permission.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004; Ordinance No. 03-2009 of April 9, 2009, Secs. 8, 9)




    Approved wiring methods:

    Method A—Standard rigid steel conduit.

    Method B—Metal under floor raceways.

    Method C—Nonmetallic sheathed cable.

    Method D—Flexible steel conduit ½ minimum.

    Method E—Approved cable.

    Method F—Armored cable.

    Method G—Surface metal raceways.

    Method H—Electrical—metallic—tubing.


    Conduit connections to rotating or movable apparatus; Method D, if length is six feet (6') or less.


    Drop cords shall not be installed in clothes closets or in places where wearing apparel is likely to be hung. Approved ceiling fixtures shall be used.


    In no case shall conductors of a size smaller than NO. 12 AWG wire be used.


    No aluminum wire shall be used in any mode or application in any electrical system or installation in the City.


    All mobile home panels to be protected at the service panel.


    Non-metallic sheathed cable is only allowed in R-3 buildings of less than three (3) stories.


    New buildings of mixed occupancy (residential and commercial) shall be classed as commercial buildings and shall be wired as such, according to the rules and regulations of this section and of the current National Electrical Code.


    All commercial structures shall be wired in metallic conduit or metallic armored cable. Non-metallic conduit may be approved by the Building Official prior to installation of same. Existing structures converted to commercial uses and existing non-conforming commercial structures shall comply with this regulation, to an extent determined by each item's qualification, under the following conditions:


    Any increase in service panel capacity—Rewire entire facility.


    Any exposed non-conforming wiring—Rewire exposed portions back to nearest junction box or panel.


    Any additions—Shall be wired fully in compliance and home runs extended back to panel in compliance to this provision.


    Any wiring exposed as a result of renovation, repair, upgrade, fire, or other physical damage to building—Shall be wired fully in compliance and home runs extended back to panel in compliance to this provision.


    Substantial renovation of the building as determined by the Building Official—Rewire entire facility.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004; Ordinance No. 03-2009 of April 9, 2009, Secs. 8, 9)



    Emergency wiring may be permitted by the electrical inspector for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days at which time said emergency wiring or service must be removed. If service is required for a longer period on large construction jobs only, said service or emergency wiring shall be re-inspected and a two-dollar fee shall be charged for re-inspection each ninety (90) days thereafter. Emergency wiring permit applications must be accompanied by a letter to the city inspector signed by both the electrical contractor and by the owner or occupant of the building or premises on which they are installed, stating the period for which emergency wiring is desired and signifying that emergency work will be promptly removed after expiration of the emergency permit.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004; Ordinance No. 03-2009 of April 9, 2009, Secs. 8, 9)




    The service conduit and wires leading from the outside of the customer's building to the meter cabinet and main line switch are to be supplied, owned, and controlled by the property owner but the installation of service drops and the connection of these wires to the supply lines is to be made by the electric public service company owning and operating the supply lines. The owner must provide a location for brackets or other attachments to the building to which the service wires are to be connected. Such a location must not be more than eighteen inches (18") from the service conduit outlet. On residences two (2) stories or more, the location shall be as is practical on the building, but in no event shall it be more than twenty-five feet (25') or less than ten feet (10') from the ground and must be located so as not to be within reach from any porch or stairs landing.


    Service conduit extending through the roof and used for a service support shall be sealed at the roof with a lead or aluminum flashing and extend a minimum of thirty inches (30") above the roof. Such service conduit shall be anchored just before entering the roof. Two-inch conduit shall extend a maximum of thirty-two inches (32") and three-inch conduit a maximum of forty inches (40") above the roof support.


    Copper wire of a size not smaller than No. 6 AWG gauge will be allowed between the point where the service drops of the power company terminate on the owner's premises and the main line entrance switch, and such wire must be enclosed in rigid galvanized metal conduit, not smaller than one inch (1"). Not less than three feet (3') of each conductor shall be left at the service head for connection to service wire from public service company's service drop.


    A means of disconnect shall be provided at the meter and readily accessible to homeowners or emergency personnel. There shall be an outside main disconnect provided for all new commercial and residential structures.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004; Ordinance No. 03-2009 of April 9, 2009, Secs. 8, 9)




    All meter loops for the installation of electric meters to measure service rendered by the electric public service company shall be in meter cabinets approved by the electric public service company and installed by the owner or his agent. Said meter loops must be ahead of or on the line side of the main switch.


    Meters installed to measure the service rendered to residents, apartments, and combination residences and commercial or industrial establishments shall be set on the outside of the building at a point not more than six feet (6') or less than five feet (5') from the ground to the dial of the meter. Closed in rear or front porches are not considered as outdoor location.


    For convenience of ready access, all meter cabinets shall be located on outside walls of buildings nearest the point of service, except in cases where exposed to mechanical injury by vehicles, as in commercial section, make such impractical or by nature of the location of the premises, then location shall be designated by the electrical inspector after consultation with local power company.


    Where changes or additions are being made to existing electrical installations, necessitating changes or additions to the service entrance or to the service switch of the meter loop, the service entrance conduit and main line switch and meter loop shall be changed to conform to the provisions of this section.


    Any public service company, firm, or persons furnishing electric current to the public under franchise granted by the City for lighting, heating, or other services shall have the right to install and connect or disconnect and remove their meters and their protective devices at their option without permit.


    Where meters are not installed at inaccessible places in houses or buildings and the electric public service company desires to relocate said meter loop for the convenience in rendering its service or for the purpose of standardization of its service in the public interest, it may, upon request to the electrical inspector have a licensed electrical contractor reinstall meter loop at a point desired by it and all such work so done at the request of the electrical public service company shall be performed at its own expense without cost to the owner.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004; Ordinance No. 03-2009 of April 9, 2009, Secs. 8, 9)




    Not more than ten (10) current outlets shall be connected to a 20-ampere general use branch circuit.


    Not more than two (2) current outlets shall be connected to a 20-ampere appliance circuit in kitchen.


    Not more than three (3) heavy-duty lamp holders shall be connected to a 15-ampere branch lighting circuit.


    Not more than four (4) heavy-duty lamp holders shall be connected to a 20-ampere lighting circuit.

    (Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004; Ordinance No. 03-2009 of April 9, 2009, Secs. 8, 9)



    Ground conductor must be enclosed in armour cover or conduit.

(Ordinance No. 09-2004 of May 13, 2004; Ordinance No. 03-2009 of April 9, 2009, Secs. 8, 9)