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  • A.



    Ambulance means any privately or publicly owned motor vehicle that is specially designed or constructed and equipped, and is intended to be used for and is maintained or operated for the emergency transportation of patients.


    Attendant means a trained or qualified individual responsible for the operation of an ambulance and the care of the patients whether or not the attendant also serves as driver.


    Attendant-Driver means a person who is qualified as an attendant and a driver.


    Driver means an individual who drives an ambulance.


    Health Officer means the director of the Galveston County Health District, or other designated official.


    License Officer means the director of public safety of the City of Santa Fe, Texas.


    Patient means an individual who is sick, injured, wounded, or otherwise incapacitated or helpless and in need of emergency ambulance service.


    Person means any individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, group of individuals acting together for a common purpose or organization of any kind, including any governmental agency other than the United States.




    In addition to the licensing requirements of the State of Texas through the Texas State Board of Health, no person, either as owner, agent or otherwise, shall furnish, operate, conduct, maintain, advertise, or otherwise be engaged in the business or service of the emergency transportation of patients upon the streets, alleys, or any public way or place in the City of Santa Fe, Texas, unless he holds a currently valid license for an ambulance issued pursuant to this section. An ambulance operated by an agency of the United States shall not be required to be licensed hereunder, nor shall any license be required for the transportation of patients on a nonemergency basis.


    Provided, however, that no licenses shall be required for an ambulance which is rendering assistance to licensed ambulances in the case of a major catastrophe or emergency with which the ambulances licensed hereunder are insufficient or unable to cope; or is operated from a location or headquarters outside of the City of Santa Fe, Texas, in order to transport patients who are picked up beyond the limits of the City of Santa Fe, to locations within the City of Santa Fe, or operated from a location outside the City of Santa Fe but traveling through the city.



    Applications for ambulance licenses hereunder shall be made upon such forms as may be prepared or prescribed by the license officer and shall contain the following information:


    The name and address of the applicant and of the owner of the ambulance.


    The trade or other fictitious name, if any, under which the applicant does business and proposes to do business.


    The training and experience of the applicant in the transportation and care of patients.


    A description of each ambulance, including the make, model, year of manufacture, motor and chassis number, current state license number; the length of time the ambulance has been in use; and the color scheme, insignia, name, monogram, or other distinguishing characteristics to be used to designate applicant's ambulance.


    The location and description of the place or places from which it is intended to operate.


    Such other information as the license officer shall deem reasonably necessary to a fair determination of compliance with this section.


    An accompanying license fee of fifty dollars ($50.00), unless organized as a nonprofit corporation under the laws of the State of Texas.



    Each ambulance shall, at all times when in use as such, comply with each of the following standards:


    Shall be equipped with special warning devices as outlined in U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Specification KKK-A-1822 Standards and Texas State Statute requirements regarding emergency vehicle operation.


    The minimum medical equipment and supplies on-board the ambulance and available for use at all times will be as recommended by the American College of Surgeons.


    A communications system able to communicate directly with all the permittee's ambulances licensed hereunder reliably by radio throughout the city. Such radio must transmit and receive on inter-city frequencies which provide direct radio contact with the City of Santa Fe police dispatcher, must transmit and receive on the inter-hospital coordination frequency of 155.340 Mhz., and must be capable of communicating directly with permittee's dispatch base station reliably.


    The ambulance and all on-board equipment must be in reliable mechanical condition and operating order and must be on a documented schedule of regular maintenance consistent with all the manufacturer's recommended maintenance specifications.


    The interior of the ambulance and the equipment within the ambulance shall be sanitary and maintained in good working order at all times.


    The equipment shall be of smooth and easily cleanable construction.


    Freshly laundered linen or disposable sheets and pillow cases shall be used in transporting of patients. Linen will be changed after one (1) use.


    Adequate and clean enclosed storage for linen, disposable sheets, pillow cases, etc., shall be provided on each vehicle.


    Adequate supplies will be stored in a clean container free from dust, insects, and rodents. A separate portable first aid kit with adequate supplies for outside use is required.


    Pillows and mattresses shall be kept clean and in good repair. Protective covers shall be provided.


    Covered containers and compartments shall be provided for soiled supplies.


    Ambulance interior shall be cleaned after each use as necessary and as approved by the health officer.


    Exterior surfaces of the ambulance shall be cleaned routinely, and as needed.


    Blankets used in any ambulance shall be washed at reasonable intervals, and as needed.


    Implements inserted into the patient's nose or mouth should be single-service, wrapped, and properly stored and handled. When multiple-use items are used, they shall be sanitized in a manner approved by the health officer.


    When an ambulance has been utilized to transport a patient known, by the owner of the ambulance service or his agents to have a communicable disease other than a common cold, the vehicle shall be cleansed thoroughly and disinfected as approved by the health officer. The ambulance service must provide each ambulance crew with written instructions for disinfecting the ambulance and disposing of contaminated linen.


    All storage spaces used for storage of linen, disposable sheets, pillow cases, or their equivalent; also equipment, first aid supplies, and other supplies, at base stations or in ambulances shall be kept clean. These storage spaces shall be so constructed to permit thorough cleaning.


    Emergency audible warning devices must function in the way which they were designed to function.


    Body must be free from dents and rust, to the extent that there is no interference with or question of safety in operation.


    All equipment in the patient compartment must be adequately secured.


    Oxygen tanks must bear a correct static pressure date and must be refilled after use as soon as possible.


    Ambulances must, at all times, meet state motor vehicle standards, including sufficient tire tread, braking adequacy, and other safety requirements.


    Patient compartment must be free of safety hazards.


    Vehicle must carry spare tire and equipment to change flats or unserviceable tires; spare tire must be serviceable.


    Stored in the vehicle must be spare fan belts, appropriate tools to change it, acceptable tow chain, and battery jumper cables. An acceptable alternative to this requirement will be a plan for provision of an immediately available ambulance to respond.


    All doors leading into passenger compartment must open properly, and close securely with all handles working.


    Windows and windshields must be clean and free of cracks that would impair driver vision.


    Rear view mirrors must be free of cracks and blemishes.


    Seat belts must be in place and in useable condition.


    No firearms are permitted aboard vehicles unless carried by authorized law enforcement personnel.




    Any change of ownership of a licensed ambulance shall terminate the license and shall require a new application and a new license and conformance with all the requirements of this section as upon original licensing.


    Application for transfer of any ambulance license to another or substitute vehicle shall require conformance with all the requirements of this section as upon original licensing. No ambulance license may be sold, assigned, mortgaged, or otherwise transferred without the approval of the license officer and a finding of conformance with all the requirements of this section as upon original licensing.


    Each licensed ambulance, its equipment, and the premises designated in the application, and all records relating to its maintenance and operation as such, shall be open to inspection by the health officer or his designated representatives during usual hours of operation.


    No official entry made upon a license may be defaced, removed, or obliterated.




    No ambulance license shall be issued under this section, nor shall such license be valid after issuance, nor shall any ambulance be operated in the City of Santa Fe, Texas, unless there is at all times in force and effect insurance coverage, issued by an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of Texas, for each and every ambulance owned or operated by or for the applicant or licensee, providing for the payment of damages.


    For injury to or death of individuals in accidents resulting from any cause for which the owner of said vehicle would be liable on account of liability imposed on him by law, regardless of whether the ambulance was being driven by the owner or his agent, and in the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) per person and twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) per accident.


    For the loss of or damage to the property of another, including personal property, under like circumstances, in an amount not less than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00).


    Said insurance policies shall be submitted to the license officer for approval prior to the issuance of each ambulance license. Satisfactory evidence that such insurance is at all times in force and effect shall be furnished to the license officer, in such forms as he may specify, by all licensees required to provide such insurance under the provisions of this section.




    The license officer shall, within thirty (30) days after receipt of an application for an ambulance license as provided for herein, cause such investigation as he deems necessary to be made of the applicant and of his proposed operations.


    The license officer shall issue a license hereunder for a specified ambulance, to be valid for a period of one (1) year unless earlier suspended, revoked, or terminated, when he finds that all the requirements of this section and all other applicable laws and ordinances have been met.




    Minimum Number

    Each ambulance shall be manned on every run by at least two (2) persons, one (1) of whom must be a state certified medical person.



    All ambulance personnel shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age, shall be high school graduates, shall have adequate physical strength and ability to lift and carry loaded stretchers down at least one (1) flight of stairs, shall have a Texas operators license, and shall have no more than four (4) moving traffic violations within a twelve (12) month period.


    Screening Required

    All ambulance personnel shall be screened by the licensee prior to selection and evaluated periodically after selection to insure ability to deal courteously and effectively with patients and make mature and accurate judgments regarding aid to be rendered.



    One (1) full-time manager is required to provide supervision, resupply, and scheduling. Said manager shall reside within the city limits of the City of Santa Fe, Texas, and shall designate a substitute to act in the event of his unavailability or absence. The license officer shall be notified of the name of the person serving as manager.



    Renewal of any license hereunder, upon expiration for any reason, or after revocation, shall require conformance with all the requirements of this section as upon original licensing.




    The license officer may, and is hereby authorized to suspend or revoke a license issued hereunder for failure of a licensee to comply and to maintain compliance with, or for his violation of, any applicable provisions, standards, or requirements of this section, or of regulations promulgated hereunder, or of any other applicable laws or ordinances or regulations promulgated thereunder, but only after warning and such reasonable time for compliance as may be set by the license officer. Within ten (10) days after a suspension, the licensee shall be afforded a hearing, after reasonable notice. The license officer shall, within five (5) days after conclusion of such hearing, issue a written decision (which shall include written findings) as to the supervision of said license. Such written decision shall be promptly transmitted to the licensee to whom it refers.


    Upon suspension, revocation, or termination of an ambulance license hereunder, such ambulance shall cease operations as such and no person shall permit such ambulance to continue operations as such.




    An emergency ambulance station shall be kept and maintained by the licensee within the city at all times.


    The licensee must maintain a maximum response time on emergency calls within the city not to exceed seven (7) minutes to any location within the city.




    Any licensee that shall buy subscriptions, or otherwise receive payments for emergency ambulance service in advance of providing such service, shall provide a bond with a good and sufficient corporate surety payable to the City of Santa Fe for the benefit of such subscribers on the condition that the licensee shall refund any advance payments made for which service is not available or provided. Such bond shall be approved by the city council.


    In lieu of such bond, the licensee receiving such advance payments may pledge such advance payments with a bank of its choice, such pledge to provide that the payments are to be paid over to and delivered to the licensee as the service is provided on a month-to-month basis with the balance of such fund being pledged as security for providing such service. Such pledge shall be in favor of all parties who have paid such advance subscriptions or advance fees to the licensee. Such pledge agreement shall be approved by the city council.

(Ordinance 13-78 of December 14, 1978, as amended by ordinance adopting this Code of Ordinances.)