There shall be an administrative department of the city, the head of which shall be the city manager and which shall consist of the city manager, the city clerk to be appointed by the city council, and such assistants as may from time to time be authorized by the city council for employment by the city manager. The city manager shall perform those duties as are outlined in the city charter. The city clerk shall perform those duties that are to be performed by the city secretary under the ordinances of the city that have been heretofore adopted where reference is made to the city secretary, shall act as city registrar, shall issue all licenses and permits to be issued in the name of the city, except as may otherwise be specifically provided by the ordinances of the city, and shall further perform those duties as are prescribed in the city charter and may from time to time be assigned to the city clerk by the city council or as prescribed by state law.
The head of the street department shall be the director of public works to be appointed by the city manager. This department shall consist of the director of public works, a street superintendent under him, and such other persons as may from time to time be authorized by the city council for employment by the city manager. The street department shall perform such duties as shall be assigned to it by the city manager.
The police department shall consist of the chief of police, such paid policemen as may be authorized by the city council for employment by the city and the unclassified auxiliary police force created by Ordinance No. 16-79, adopted September 13, 1979, which shall constitute the auxiliary division of the police department.
The city manager shall, with approval of the city council, appoint the chief of police.
The police department shall be responsible for providing police service within the city and shall perform those duties and functions that are usually and customarily performed by city police departments and other functions assigned to it by the city manager which are consistent with the laws of the United States, the State of Texas and the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Santa Fe, Texas.
It shall be the duty of every member of the police department to conduct themselves in a proper and law-abiding manner at all times and each city peace officer shall preserve the peace, prevent crime, detect and arrest violators of the law, protect life and property and enforce those laws and ordinances which they authorized by law to enforce at all times in accordance with the Constitutions and laws of the United States and Texas.
The city has adopted, on behalf of its police department, the relevant provisions of Texas Local Government Code § 143.001 et seq., as modified by the collective bargaining agreement between the city and the Santa Fe Police Officer's Association currently in force.
The number of officers of the police department shall be determined by the city council.
As of October 1, 2008, the police department consists of one (1) chief of police and one (1) individual who holds the position immediately below the chief of police, currently the rank of captain. Classification, appointment and removal of the chief of police is governed by the relevant provisions of § 143.013 of the Texas Local Government Code. Classification, appointment and removal of the individual holding the position immediately below the chief is governed by the relevant provisions of § 143.014 of the Texas Local Government Code.
In addition to the duties required of every city peace officer, the chief shall also serve as the department head of the police department, including its auxiliary division, but neither the chief of police nor any subordinate officer shall have authority to enact any policy for the city.
In addition to the duties required of every city peace officer, the individual who holds the position immediately below the chief of police shall supervise all officers of the police department who hold the rank of lieutenant, sergeant or police officer.
As of October 1, 2011, the City of Santa Fe, Texas police department also consists of one (1) lieutenant; four (4) police sergeants and fifteen (15) police officers. Classification and appointment of these individuals who hold the rank of lieutenant, sergeant and police officer will be governed by the relevant provisions of Subchapter B of Chapter 143 of the Texas Local Government Code.
In addition to the duties required of every city peace officer, each individual who holds the rank of lieutenant shall supervise all officers of the police department who hold the rank of sergeant or police officer.
In addition to the duties required of every city peace officer, each individual who holds the rank of sergeant shall supervise all police officers of the police department.
(Ordinance No. 24-2008 of October 23, 2008; Ordinance No. 23-2009 of October 8, 2009; Ordinance No. 14-2011 of October 27, 2011)
The director of this department shall be the building inspector, who shall be appointed by the city manager, and shall consist of the building inspector and such assistants as may from time to time be authorized by the city council for employment by the city manager. This department shall be charged with the duty of enforcing the city building, electrical, and plumbing codes, and ordinances relating thereto, and such other duties as shall be assigned to it by the city manager. The building inspector and his assistants, if any, shall perform the duties of electrical, plumbing, and building inspector under applicable ordinances of the city.
Editor's note— Ordinance 12-2000, adopted May 25, 2000, deleted Chapter 7, Section 6, Subsection E, in its entirety to be reserved for future use. Prior to amendment Subsection E pertained to "Judicial Department" and derived from Ordinance No. 02-82, adopted February 18, 1982.
Park Department Established
There shall be a park department, the head of which shall be the Community Services Director who shall be appointed by the City Manager upon authority of the City Council. There shall be such assistants and workers in this department as may from time to time be authorized by the City Council for employment by the City Manager.
The park department shall be charged with the duty of maintaining all city parks, playgrounds, and recreation areas and the planning, execution, and maintenance of any recreation programs for such park facilities for the city in conjunction with the city park board.
Park Board
There is hereby established a park and recreation board to consist of seven (7) members who shall be appointed by the City Council and shall serve under direction of the Community Services Director. The members shall serve staggered terms of two (2) years; that is, four (4) members' terms shall expire on odd-numbered years, and three (3) members' terms shall expire on even-numbered years. Appointments to vacancies shall be for the un-expired term of the position to which the appointment is made.
Four (4) members shall constitute a quorum for the conducting of business. The members of the park and recreation board shall serve without pay, shall hold office at the pleasure of the City Council, and may be removed by the City Council with or without cause.
Mission of the Park and Recreation Board is to develop parks and recreational opportunities, in aesthetic places, for people of all ages to pursue safe, healthy, cultural and educational activities.
Goal 1
Members of the Santa Fe Park and Recreation Board will increase community awareness of plans for the development and improvement of parks and recreation.
Goal 2
Members of the Santa Fe Park and Recreation Board will become familiar with parks and recreation possibilities, responsibilities and standards to better serve the recreational needs of the community.
Goal 3
Members of the Santa Fe Park and Recreation Board will pursue all sources of funding, private, municipal, state and federal, to fulfill the parks and recreation projects.
Goal 4
Members of the Santa Fe Park and Recreation Board will develop a park and recreation master plan to serve the recreational needs of the community.
(Ordinance No. 22-98 of September 10, 1998)
Editor's note
Section 6 was previously titled City Administrator, and was determined to be in conflict with the Home Rule Charter and therefore was deleted from the Code of Ordinances with the preparation of Supplement No. 1. See also Article 4 of Home Rule Charter.