§ 3.7. Building Permits  

Latest version.
  • 3.7.1 The owner of an unplatted tract of land located within the city limits who makes application for a building permit on such unplatted tract, shall cause the tract to be platted in conformance with this chapter before the permit can be issued. This provision shall only apply to the following classifications of building permits:

    A. A building permit for a new structure, except that a building permit for an accessory structure defined herein, for a single family residential use shall be exempt from the platting requirement;

    B. A building permit for the renovation, remodeling or expansion of an existing structure which increases the gross floor area by twenty-five (25) percent or more;

    C. A building permit for the renovation, remodeling or expansion of an existing residential structure that results in the land use of such structure to be changed to a nonresidential use;

    D. A permit for the placement of a manufactured home or other structure.