§ 3.8. Certification Regarding Compliance with Platting Requirements  

Latest version.
  • 3.8.1 Certificate : Upon the approval of a final plat by the Planning Commission or the approval of a minor plat by the Development Officer, and after the filing of the plat with the Galveston County Clerk, the Development Officer shall issue the subdivider a certificate stating that the plat has been reviewed and approved by the City of Santa Fe.

    3.8.2 Platting Determinations : On the written request of an owner of land within the city's corporate limits or its ETJ, the Development Officer, acting on behalf of the Planning Commission, shall make the following determinations regarding the owners land:

    A. Whether a plat is required under this ordinance for the land;


    B. If a plat is required, whether one has been prepared and whether it has been reviewed and approved by the city.

    3.8.3 The owners request shall identify the land that is the subject of the request by its legal description. The Development Officer shall make the above determination within twenty (20) days after the date the request is received, and shall issue the certificate within ten (10) days after the date the determination is made.