§ 4.3. Preliminary Plats  

Latest version.
  • 4.3.1 The subdivider shall prepare a preliminary plat for submission to the planning commission for all subdivisions, except for a one (1) lot single family residential land use subdivision.

    4.3.2 The preliminary plat must meet all requirements specified by this article before the planning commission may commence preliminary plat review. A plat not meeting all of the requirements may be submitted, provided that subdivider presents with the plat a written request for specific variances, and enumerates in detail the reasons thereof, in conformance with Section 3.14 Variances, of these regulations.

    4.3.3 Application Procedures: The submittal of an application for a preliminary plat shall be made to the Development Officer. The applicant shall submit three (3) white background prints of the preliminary plat to the Development Officer at least twenty-four (24) days prior to the meeting at which the preliminary plat is to be considered. The preliminary plat application and fees, which are listed in the Appendix of this Ordinance, are due and payable at the time of the preliminary plat submittal. The applicant shall also submit a title search, current to within sixty days (60) of application, certifying to at least the following concerning the title to the land: A statement of records examined and date of examination; description of the property in question, including a metes and bounds description of the tract; name of the fee owner as of the date of examination, and the date, file number, date of filing, and volume and page of any lienholders; and general description of any easement or fee strips granted along with the file number, date of filing, and volume and page of recording.

    4.3.4 The Development Officer shall review the preliminary plat and coordinate its review with the appropriate city departments and other agencies. The plat shall then be returned to the applicant with written analysis and commentary. Upon completion of plat review by the Development Officer, the applicant shall submit nine (9) white background prints and the copies of the original submittal with Development Officer's analysis and commentary to the Development Officer ten (10) days prior to the Planning Commission meeting.

    4.3.5 General Requirements for Preliminary Plats :

    A. The preliminary plat and all supporting maps shall be prepared in pen or pencil at a minimum scale of one hundred (100) feet to an inch on one or more 24" × 36" sheets. If more than one (1) sheet is required, they shall be match-line sheets. An index sheet of the same dimensions, or a map insert showing the entire subdivision, shall accompany the preliminary plat. Plats in which all lots contain a net area in excess of forty thousand (40,000) square feet may be drawn to a scale of two hundred (200) feet to the inch on one or more 24 inch by 36 inch sheets. The preliminary plat and all supporting maps shall be legible, show the map scale, a north arrow and the date of preparation. At the discretion of the Development Officer, deviations from the requirements of this subsection as to scale, and only as to scale, may be allowed.

    B. The preliminary plat shall be accompanied by a statement signed by the registered engineer or surveyor preparing the plat that he has, to the best of his ability, designed the subdivision in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan or other general plans of the City of Santa Fe, with which he is completely familiar, and in accordance with the ordinances and regulations governing the subdivision of land, except where a variance is requested in writing and the reasons for which are clearly stated.

    C. A public hearing shall be conducted by the Planning Commission prior to consideration of a preliminary plat. Due notice of a public hearing shall be published in the legal classified advertisements section of a Santa Fe area newspaper. Notice shall be given at least ten (10) days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the plat will be reviewed. Notice shall also be given to all property owners within two hundred (200) feet of the subdivision. Notice may be submitted via regular U.S. postal service.

    4.3.6 Preliminary Plat Contents : The preliminary plat shall provide the following information for the area within the subdivision and for a distance of two hundred (200) feet beyond the subdivision boundaries:

    A. A title block, including subdivision name, block(s), lot(s), acreage, name of city, county and state, and the location and description of the property referenced to the original legal description. The subdivision name shall not duplicate any existing subdivision name.

    B. The name, address and signature of the legal owner(s) of the property included in the proposed subdivision. If the applicant is not the legal owner, a statement of the agent's authority and interest shall be submitted with the application. Such statement, which shall be signed by the legal owner(s). (See Form #2 at the end of this Section of the Ordinance.)

    C. The name, address and signature of the registered surveyor responsible for preparing and designing the plat and surveys. If public improvements are involved, the name, address and signature of the registered engineer responsible for designing such improvements shall also be provided.

    D. A location map at a scale of not more than one thousand (1000) feet to the inch, showing existing streets, subdivisions, and general land uses in the area surrounding the site.

    E. The scale, north arrow, and date of original and all revisions.

    F. The location, dimension, right-of-way width, paving width, and name of all existing or proposed streets, alleys, railroads, and other public ways within or immediately adjacent to the tract.

    G. The location and dimensions of any existing structures, fences, paved areas, cemeteries or burial grounds, and other existing features within the proposed subdivision. Insignificant temporary improvements which will be removed during development may be omitted, except that all existing buildings, whether temporary or permanent, shall be shown.

    H. The location of any existing or abandoned landfills, dump sites, hazardous waste dump sites, or any inventories of hazardous materials.

    I. The location of any watercourses, water bodies, flood hazard areas, significant tree masses, slopes, or other natural features within the area to be subdivided.

    J. Topographic information showing existing contours based on National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD), with intervals not to exceed one (1) foot, and such contour lines to be no more than one hundred (100) horizontal feet apart.

    K. The location and dimensions of the subdivision's boundaries; and the existing and proposed blocks lots, setback lines, and easements, including the square footage of the lots. In lieu of providing the square footage of each lot, a statement may be placed on the plat which certifies that all lots meet the appropriate lot size requirements.

    L. The locations, sizes and other appropriate descriptions of the following existing utility facilities:

    1. Water mains, service connections and any special structures such as wells, elevated storage tanks and pump stations;

    2. Sanitary sewer mains, service connections and any special structures or facilities such as lift stations, septic systems, lagoons, oxidation ponds and package plants;


    3. Storm water drainage mains, channels, retention or detention ponds, and other major drainage facilities, including the area in acres served by such facilities; and special structures such as dams, spillways, dikes or levees.

    M. The approximate locations, sizes, and other appropriate descriptions of the following proposed utility facilities:

    1. Water trunk mains, connections to city facilities, and special structures such as elevated storage tanks and pump stations;

    2. Sewer trunk mains, connections to city facilities, and special structures and facilities such as lift stations, lagoons, oxidation ponds and package plants. Additional information concerning such special structures and facilities may be required by the Development Officer of Water/Wastewater prior to approval by the planning commission;


    3. Storm water drainage mains, channels, retention or detention ponds, and other major drainage facilities, including the approximate area in acres served by such facilities; special structures such as dams, spillways, dikes or levees; and the location of the regulatory floodplain upon completion of the proposed improvements, along with an engineering report on the downstream flood impacts.

    N. The location of all existing or abandoned oil or gas wells, oil or gas pipelines and other appurtenances associated with the extraction, production and distribution of petroleum products, and all related easements on the site or on immediately adjacent property. Such facilities shall be in conformance with any oil and gas regulation ordinances of the City of Santa Fe.

    O. Conditions on immediately adjacent property that have a direct impact on the proposed development. Any proposed supplemental transportation systems, showing the layout and dimensions of walkways, sidewalks, jogging trails, bike trails, horse trails, and other related improvements.

    P. The approximate location, dimension and area of all parcels of all land proposed to be set aside for park or playground use, or other public use, or for the common use of property owners in the proposed subdivision.

    Q. The functional classification (as defined by the City of Santa Fe) of every street within or adjacent to the subdivision, based on the proposed design. The appropriate term (expressway, primary arterial, secondary arterial, collector or local) shall either be placed directly on each street, or a list of the streets in the subdivision, with their corresponding functional classifications, shall be placed on the plat.

    R. The names of the owners of all parcels abutting the subject property, with deed references. If property abutting the subject property is in a platted subdivision, it may be referenced by the plat reference rather than individual deed references.

    S. The proposed land use for all lots. The designations to be used when indicating land use on a plat shall be defined by the Santa Fe Zoning Ordinance, and are as follows:

    AR Agricultural Residential
    R-1 Single-Family Residential
    R-2 Multi-Family Residential
    R-3 Multi-Family Residential
    MH Manufactured Housing
    NC Neighborhood Commercial
    HC Highway Commercial
    AU Adult Uses
    LM Light Manufacturing
    TR Transportation Zone


    Planned Unit Development projects as defined by Section 4.12 of the Santa Fe Zoning Ordinance shall be identified by the letters "PUD".

    T. The following statistical data:

    1. The total number of gross acres;

    2. The total number of lots;

    3. The number of dwelling units, the acreage, and the gross residential density, by housing type;

    4. A statement, confirmed by engineering analysis, that the existing utility mains serving a proposed subdivision are adequate. Upon receipt of a preliminary plat, the Development Officer shall review the proposed development. The Officer shall determine whether further study shall be required to assess the development's impact on the existing water/wastewater systems. If the Development Officer determines that further study is necessary to confirm the adequacy of the existing mains to serve the new development, the plat shall be marked, identifying the point from which the developers engineer shall be required to confirm by analysis the adequacy of the existing system to serve the proposed development.

    U. City plat file number, as assigned by the Development Officer during initial plat review.

    4.3.7 Planning Commission Action on Preliminary Plats :

    A. Approval Process : The planning commission shall make its determination to approve, approve conditionally or disapprove a preliminary plat within thirty (30) days after the plat submittal deadline on which the plat is presented to the Development Officer. If the preliminary plat is disapproved or approved conditionally, the reasons for such action shall be stated in writing, a copy of which shall be signed by the planning commission chairman, attached to one copy of the plat and transmitted to the subdivider within ten (10) days after the determination is made. The reasons for disapproval or conditional approval shall refer specifically to those parts of these regulations, other applicable regulations, and/or the general plans of the City of Santa Fe, with which the plat does not conform. On conditionally approving a plat, the planning commission may require submission of a revised preliminary plat.

    B. Effective Period : The approval of a preliminary plat shall be effective for a period of one (1) year. A final plat of the proposed subdivision shall be submitted to the planning commission for final plat approval, and substantial construction shall have commenced, within one (1) year from the date of Planning Commission approval of the preliminary plat. If a final plat has not been submitted for approval and substantial construction has not commenced within such time, the preliminary plat shall be deemed null and void, unless the planning commission approves an extension of time. A formal request for an extension and the reasons thereof must be submitted in writing prior to the one (1) year deadline date.

(Ordinance No. 02-2010 of April 8, 2010, Secs. 6—8)