§ 6.12. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Measures  

Latest version.
  • 6.12.1 General : The City of Santa Fe, as an operator of a small MS4 (municipal separate storm sewer system - MS4), is required to reduce the discharge of pollutants to water of the State and the United States to the "maximum extent practicable" to protect water quality.

    The City of Santa Fe is required to develop, implement, and enforce a program to reduce pollutants in runoff from construction activities disturbing greater than or equal to one acre (including smaller sites that are part of a greater common plan of development). The City of Santa Fe also requires construction site operators to implement erosion and sediment control Best Management Practices (BMPs) and to control waste.

    6.12.2 Requirements for developers : Any subdivision with development disturbing one or more acres shall provide the following measures prior to any soil disturbance, clearing, grading, or excavation to manage storm water pollution during and after development.

    A. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP).

    1. Using the guidelines found in the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permits for Storm Water Discharges from Construction Activities, prepare a SWPPP.

    2. Certify the SWPPP and file a Notice of Intent (NOI) with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality under the TPDES General Permit TXR150000, if required by the State. Individual permits may also be applied for from TCEQ.

    3. Send a copy of the NOI and the SWPPP to the City of Santa Fe, the local MS4 operator.

    4. A copy of the SWPPP shall be kept on the construction site at all times.

    5. The SWPPP must be approved by TCEQ before construction can begin.

    B. Erosion and sediment control Best Management Practices (BMPs) during and post-construction.

    1. Minimize the extent and duration of disturbance surface stabilization using BMPs such as:

    •  Mulching,

    •  Preserving Natural Vegetation,

    •  Recontouring,

    •  Permanent Seeding,

    •  Riprap,

    •  Sodding,

    •  Surface Roughening,

    •  Temporary Gravel Construction Access,

    •  Temporary Seeding,

    •  Topsoiling,

    •  Erosion Control Compost,

    •  Erosion Control Blanket,

    •  Runoff Diversion,

    2. Utilize runoff conveyance measures such as:

    •  Grass-Lined Channel or Swale,

    •  Hardened Channel,

    •  Interceptor Swale,

    •  Temporary Slope Drain,

    •  Paved Flume,

    •  Runoff Diversion Dike.

    3. Utilize outlet protection on storm water facilities:

    •  Level Spreader,

    •  Outlet Stabilization Structure.

    4. Utilize sediment traps and barriers:

    •  Block and Gravel Drop Inlet Protection,

    •  Excavated Drop Inlet Protection,

    •  Fabric Storm Drain Inlet Protection,

    •  Sediment Basin,

    •  Rock Dam,

    •  Sediment Fence/Straw Bale Barrier,

    •  Sediment Trap,

    •  Sand Filter System,

    •  Sod Drop Inlet Protection,

    •  Vegetated FilterStrip,

    •  Filter Berm (rock, sandbag, compost, mulch),

    •  Filter Sock (compost or mulch),

    •  Brush Barrier,

    •  Wetlands,

    •  Wet Basin,

    •  Extended Detention Basin.

    5. Utilize stream protection measures:

    •  Streambank Stabilization,

    •  Streambed Stabilization,

    •  Temporary Stream Crossing.

    (Ordinance No. 02-2010 of April 8, 2010, Sec. 27)

    Off-Site Improvements