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  •   The City may issue bonds to pay for any property or public improvement which it may lawfully acquire or construct, to pay for any improvement the cost of which is to be assessed wholly or in part against abutting or benefiting property, or to fund or refund any indebtedness outstanding at the time this Charter takes effect for which inadequate provisions for payment has been made; but no bonds shall be issued to pay current expenses. The enumeration, in the preceding sentence, of particular powers of the City in connection with the issuance of bonds shall not be held or deemed to exclusive; and, in addition to the powers enumerated or implied in the preceding sentence, or appropriate to the exercise of such powers, it is intended that the city of Santa Fe shall have and may exercise the authority to issue revenue bonds for the purchase of utilities or any self-liquidating asset for which revenue bonds may lawfully be issued. It is intended that the City of Santa Fe shall have and may exercise the authority to issue bonds for the construction and extra-ordinary maintenance of necessary civic improvements or facilities within or without the City limits. No tax bonds of the City, excepting funding and refunding bonds, shall be issued until first approved by a majority of the duly qualified resident electors of the City of Santa Fe. All bonds shall be authorized by ordinance passed by an affirmative vote of at least a majority of the members of the Council. The City shall have full authority to issue bonds, warrants and other obligations under the provisions of Chapter 453, Acts of the Second Called Session of the 44th Legislature of Texas, 1935, Articles 1111 to 1118A, Chapters 1 and 7 Title 22 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, Chapter 163, Acts of the 42nd Legislature of Texas, Regular Session, and other general laws relating to the issuance of bonds, warrants and obligations by a municipal corporation as each of said laws has heretofore been amended or hereafter may be amended.

    ARTICLE 11