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  •   Ordinances and resolutions shall be introduced in the City Council only in written or printed form. Ordinances making appropriations shall be confined to the subject of appropriations. All ordinances except emergency ordinances, or those dealing with fines, penalties, budget, tax, franchises, public utilities or the setting of their rates, shall not be finally passed until they have been read on two separate days not less than 12 hours apart; provided however if an ordinance has been introduced at a regular meeting of the council the requirements for reading of two separate days may be dispensed with an affirmative vote of all the Council members present. The final reading of each ordinance shall be in full unless a written or printed copy thereof shall have been furnished to each member of the City Council prior to such meeting. The enacting clause of all ordinances shall be: "be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Santa Fe, Texas."

      All ordinances which levy a fine or penalty and those which deal with franchises, public utilities or the setting of their rates, shall be read at two regular meetings followed by publication of a descriptive caption in one issue of the official newspaper of the City of Santa Fe before the same shall become effective.