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  •   Any registered voters of the City may make and file with the person performing the duties of City Secretary an affidavit containing the name or names of the officer(s) whose removal is sought and a statement of the grounds for removal. The City Secretary shall immediately notify in writing the officer(s) sought to be removed that the affidavit has been filed and shall inform the officer(s) of its statement of grounds. The City Secretary shall within a period of two (2) working days from the time the affidavit was filed thereupon deliver to the registered voters making such affidavit copies of petition blanks demanding such removal. The City Secretary shall keep a sufficient number of such printed petition blanks on hand for distribution. Such blanks when issued by the City Secretary shall bear the signature of the City Secretary and be of such as prescribed in Section 7.07 of this Article, and shall be numbered, dated, and indicate the name of the person to whom issued. The City Secretary shall enter in a record to be kept in his office the name of the registered voters to whom the petition blanks were issued and the number to said persons.